FAI Hang Gliding and Paragliding Commission (CIVL)

08 Feb 2021

HG Class 1 Worlds 2023 will be held in Ager, Spain

CIVL Plenary has awarded Ager, Spain to host 24th FAI World Hang Gliding Class 1 Championship in 2023. The event will be organized by Club Zenith Vollliure on 16-29 July, 2023. Flying site: Coll d’Ares in Montsec d’Ares, 17 km away from Ager. The test event will take place from July 16 till July 23, 2022.


The key officials of the 2023 HG Worlds will be:

José Manuel Sánchez García (Juaki) --- Organizer and meet director of the 2nd WAG and World HG Championship in class 1 & 2 --- 2001 Algodonales - Cadiz - Spain. Meet director in the European HG Championship in 2010 at Ager - Lleida - Spain.  Meet director, organizer and scorer in several Spanish Nationals, several cat 2 competitions all around Spain, from Sierra de Cádiz, Piedrahita, Ager, Lanzarote, Arangoiti, etc..

Gabriel Navarrete --- President of the club Zenith Vol Lliure, HG pilot, co-organizer with Joel Miron of several National championships held in Ager as well as the organizer of all the editions of the Ager HG Open

Joel Miron -- Member and founder of the club Zenith Vol Lliure, HG & PG pilot and instructor, member of the Spanish national HG team, owns an adventure sports company at Ager (Zenith Aventura), based on Kayaks and flying activities, runs the youth-hostel Val d'Ager, organizer of several National championships held in Ager as well as the organizer of all the editions of the Ager HG Open.

Nuria Moreno .... doctor, an expert in ER and first care. HG pilot, secretary of club Zenith Vol Lliure. Has organized several the last National Championship held in 2020 and several Ager Opens together with Joel and Gaby.

The rest of the members of the staff are also experienced with at least one Spanish National championship, the one that with great success we held last year. This team will also be working in the Spanish Nationals of this year 2021 at Ager.

There is one launch area (1586m ASL) with three huge ramps all of them facing South. Taking several aspects into account, we would be using two or three ramps on each launch and, to make the whole process more efficient and organized, we would be using “ordered launch” system. The launch has huge rigging area that allow 120+ gliders.
The car parking area is also huge for many cars and vans. There are no main hazards. The launch is faced to all the valley with many landing fields and the official one in Agulló
A big area on the launch that allows helicopter landings if necessary.

Enjoy the video from Spanish Nationals held in Ager in 2016.