FAI Hang Gliding and Paragliding Commission (CIVL)

12 Mar 2025

19th FAI World Paragliding Championships - change of location

The 19th FAI World Paragliding Championships are being moved to Castelo, Brazil. After many discussions and meetings, the Brazilian NAC (CAB), Brazilian Free Flight Organization (CBVL), and CIVL have determined this is necessary to provide the highest quality event for all pilots. 
The dates will remain the same: August 30th – Sept 12th. The organizers will be Marcos Aurelio Pinheiro and Frank Brown, and the Meet director will remain the same as the test event held last year. Additional details about the event can be found at https://civlcomps.org/event/pg-worlds-2025
Most pilots attending the championships will be familiar with Castelo, but a test event is also being held from April 12th – 19th. More details about the test event can be found at: https://civlcomps.org/event/pre-pg-worlds2025-panam2026